不當的比喻( Improper Comparisons)。2011年3月19日在網路上,有人以斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka)和台灣島做類比,這個例子缺乏戰爭法理,不太適當,分析如下:
TCG is quite similar to the ISGA in Sri Lanka. In the post-war peace process between Formosans and ROC Chinese. TCG是非常相似的ISGA在斯里蘭卡。戰後和平過程類似中華民國ROC和福爾摩沙之間的關係。
南亞島國斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka)中佔74%人口之Sinhalese people,和佔18.2%人口之Tamil people間,關係較諸台灣島內約佔85%人口之本土台灣人(people of Taiwan)和約佔15%人口之在台中國人(Chinese on Taiwan)間,關係是截然不同,為了不要引起誤會,說明如下:
TCG is quite similar to the ISGA in Sri Lanka. In the post-war peace process between Formosans and ROC Chinese. TCG是非常相似的ISGA在斯里蘭卡。戰後和平過程類似中華民國ROC和福爾摩沙之間的關係。
南亞島國斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka)中佔74%人口之Sinhalese people,和佔18.2%人口之Tamil people間,關係較諸台灣島內約佔85%人口之本土台灣人(people of Taiwan)和約佔15%人口之在台中國人(Chinese on Taiwan)間,關係是截然不同,為了不要引起誤會,說明如下:
1. 斯里蘭卡方面
篤信佛教之Sinhalese people,是自西元前5世紀即自印度移居錫蘭島南部,而篤信印度教之Tamil people,則是自西元前3世紀起至西元13世紀間移居錫蘭島北部。原本是不相隸屬,是為各自為政之兩個民族,自1505年起,歷經葡萄牙及荷蘭之殖民統治,而及至1815年,由英國統一錫蘭島而殖民。
結合Sinhalese people和Tamil people所成立之政權,於1948年2月4日自英國獨立,然而,主張在錫蘭島北部和東部建立獨立「Tamil Eelam(塔米爾錫蘭國)」之Tamil 解放軍,自1983年6月23日起,與斯里蘭卡政府斷斷續續展開長達26年之內戰,於2009年5月被政府軍所擊敗。
1948年2月4日獨立之「錫蘭(the Dominion of Ceylon)」,於1955年12月14日成為聯合國新會員國,於1972年5月22日改稱「斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka)」,是國際社會所承認之主權國家。斯里蘭卡少數民族之Tamil people縱然和多數民族之Sinhalese people水火不容,在萬國公法拘束下,並無自斯里蘭卡分離之正當性。【Tamil Eelam並無正式地位或被其他任何國家承認(Tamil Eelam has no official status or recognition by any other state or authority.)】
因太平洋戰爭之結果而被日本政府取消日本國民權利,致成為法理無國籍之被佔領方,本土台灣人和因中國國共內戰結果後而流亡至日本台灣,具有法理中國籍之佔領方的中國人所共同居住之台灣,不符合萬國公法「人民自然生活在一起」之國家形成條件。因此,看得出有別於Sinhalese people和Tamil people的結合,是基於歷史因素,而得以共同組成國際社會承認為主權獨立國家之斯里蘭卡,people of Taiwan和Chinese on Taiwan在聯合國憲章 Article 2.4裡「領土完整(territorial integrity)原則」拘束下,並無在日本國土一部份之台灣,以任何名義共同組成主權獨立國家之正當性。
作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣(民)政府 秘書長
2011/03/20初論 2013/06/12再論
台灣(民)政府 秘書長
2011/03/20初論 2013/06/12再論
1. The Sinhalese are an ethnic group forming the majority of Sri Lanka, constituting 74% of the Sri Lankan population. They number approximately 15 million in the world. They live mainly in central, south and west Sri Lanka. According to legend they are the descendants of the exiled Prince Vijaya who arrived from North-East India to Sri Lanka in 543BCE.
2. Alternative names: “Ceylon Tamils”, “Indian Tamils”
Location: north and east: central highlands
Population: Total 2.7 million; Ceylon Tamils 1.9 million; Indian Tamils 825,000
% of population: total 18.2%
Religion: Hindu, Muslim
Language: Tamil
3. The Tamil minority originated from India, immigrating to Sri Lanka between the 3rd century B.C. and the 13th century A.D. Making up a small portion of the population, Tamils constitute almost the entire Hindu population of the land. In the 5th century B.C., Indo-Aryan emigration from India created the Sinhalese population in Sri Lanka. It still holds the majority today and thus, much political power. The greater part of the Sinhalese populace considers itself to be Buddhist. Religious tension intensifies the struggle for supremacy between Tamils and Sinhalese.
4. Prior to colonial occupation, Tamils controlled the northern part of Ceylon (renamed Sri Lanka in 1972), while the Sinhalese ruled the southern regions of the land. In 1505, the Portuguese took control of the country and began its history as a colonial settlement.
1. The Sinhalese are an ethnic group forming the majority of Sri Lanka, constituting 74% of the Sri Lankan population. They number approximately 15 million in the world. They live mainly in central, south and west Sri Lanka. According to legend they are the descendants of the exiled Prince Vijaya who arrived from North-East India to Sri Lanka in 543BCE.
2. Alternative names: “Ceylon Tamils”, “Indian Tamils”
Location: north and east: central highlands
Population: Total 2.7 million; Ceylon Tamils 1.9 million; Indian Tamils 825,000
% of population: total 18.2%
Religion: Hindu, Muslim
Language: Tamil
3. The Tamil minority originated from India, immigrating to Sri Lanka between the 3rd century B.C. and the 13th century A.D. Making up a small portion of the population, Tamils constitute almost the entire Hindu population of the land. In the 5th century B.C., Indo-Aryan emigration from India created the Sinhalese population in Sri Lanka. It still holds the majority today and thus, much political power. The greater part of the Sinhalese populace considers itself to be Buddhist. Religious tension intensifies the struggle for supremacy between Tamils and Sinhalese.
4. Prior to colonial occupation, Tamils controlled the northern part of Ceylon (renamed Sri Lanka in 1972), while the Sinhalese ruled the southern regions of the land. In 1505, the Portuguese took control of the country and began its history as a colonial settlement.
In the sixteenth century Portuguese invaders found quite separate kingdoms of Hindu Tamils in the north and Buddhist Sinhalese in the south, which remained separate under both the Portuguese administration and that of the Dutch, who succeeded them. Only under British rule in the nineteenth century were the two kingdoms brought under a single administration.
The annexation of the Kingdom of Kandy in 1815 by the Kandyan convention, unified the island under British rule.
5. On 4 February 1948 the country gained its independence as the Dominion of Ceylon.
Finally, in 1948 Sri Lanka gained independence and thus, sovereignty over its lands. Prior to this momentous occasion, Tamil and Sinhalese forces combined to fight for their common freedom. However, this alliance did not last long.