



a. Formosa was traditionally Chinese territory.
b. The population of Formosa was predominantly Chinese.
c. Formosa was a colony of Japan.


"With the exception of the relatively brief period of Japanese dominion, Formosa has been part of China for centuries. The history of the island and the ethnic characteristics of the population call for ultimate restoration of sovereignty over the island to China."

意即:Formosa 長久以來是中國之一部份,只是曾被日本短暫統治過,基於該島之歷史以及族群之特性,要求該島主權終將歸還予中國。

若非1950年「韓戰爆發」因素,美國原本打算依Cairo Declaration將台灣「歸還」給中國(PRC/ROC),Cairo Declaration也確實是當擬訂對日舊金山和約有關「台灣處分」條款時,不得不納入考量之因素,所幸,當時中國主政者違反承諾入侵韓國,經聯合國表決在案。

但是,美國對Cairo Declaration之立場, 有如下之說法:
"The war-time statements were generally considered to be statements of purpose which had to be implemented after the war."

有關對日和約簽署前,台灣領土可能之處分方式,包括託管 (trusteeship)、獨立 (independence)或歸還中國 (restore to PRC/ROC)也可能中國自治區(autonomy and self-government under the sovereignty of China)"以及 歸還日本 (return to Japan),這些構想皆曾被列入考慮。然而,最終之定案為「日本放棄領土權,但是沒有指定收受國」。日本前首相吉田茂倡導之「日台聯邦」構想確實為真,否則台灣在 SFPT Article 2b之架構下,其法理地位必須成為「日本自治區 (autonomy and self-government under the sovereignty of Japan)」,才有可能被實現。

由機密文件檔案資料顯示,Dulles雖是「同情"people of Taiwan」 之歷史遭遇,然而因受制於Cairo Declaration之政治魔咒,而陷入「天人交戰」,不知如何是好的困境,列證如下:

a. "If we wrote our own resolution, Mr. Dulles would prefer to spell out more clearly the interests of the Formosan people, but we simply could not do this and get the British to go along. They would not cosponsor a resolution which appeared to suggest that the independence of the people of Formosa should take priority over the Cairo Declaration." (Page 562)

b. "It was important to maintain good relations with the Nationalist. .
Mr. Dulles said that if there were a choice today, he would feel an independent trusteeship for Formosa was the best solution, but at this stage we could not commit ourselves definitely to that solution. He thought that this resolution would be interpreted in some quarters as an attempt to restore Formosa to the Communist Chinese." (Page 570)

c. "Mr. Dulles recalled that the British resolution had started out with the statement that whereas the population of Formosa was predominently Chinese, and whereas Formosa was traditionally Chinese territory, etc., which language would be even more difficult. ..., he then believed we would wish to rephrase this resolution to some extent." (Pages 570-571)


"Mr. Dulles said he could provide one answer to this question, but he was not sure that his answer would have the 'weight of authority'... He personally had in mind several objectives for our action in Formosa.
First, we should effectively neutralize the island;
second, we should consider the development of some measure of local autonomy for the people of Formosa, who had always been in a constant state of unrest and oppression, no matter who rules Formosa.
In the third place, there should not be any abrupt change in trade relations between Formosa and Japan, where there were two highly complementary economies.
These three things, he believed, the commission would have to take into account.". (Page 560)

以上描述,雖然只是Dulles謙虛地表達個人之看法,然而已經為台灣之疑題 (question),提供了解答 (answer),心目中之「對台方針」是為:
a. 台灣應「解除武裝 (demilitarize)」, 以達「中立化 (neutralization)」。
b. 台灣人長期飽受外來統治之不安及壓迫,無論誰來統治台灣,應考慮發展適度之「地方自治 (local autonomy)」。
c. 台灣和日本是高度互補之經濟體,應繼續維持商業往來之關係。

舊金山和平條約簽署過程中,針對台灣處分問題,同盟國方面,依Dulles個人看法是「不預設立場 (no matter who rules Formosa)之台灣自治」;而依1950年11月16日有關the Question of Formosa會議備忘錄,則是預設立場為「中國之台灣自治區 (The people of Formosa must be given an adequate measure of autonomy and self-government under the sovereignty of China)」. (Page 575)

然而,實際討論有關台灣處分之方案時,在日本方面加入談判後,起了實質上的重大改變,Dulles於1951年1月25日抵達日本訪問,而且於1月29日在與吉田茂之第一次會談中直言,稱:「如在三年前簽訂和平條約,對日本而言,想必會簽下遠比今日更為不利之條件。而今天,我們並不是以戰勝者之身分,要求戰敗者簽訂和平條約,而是以友邦之身分,來思考這份合約。」或許是基於美日兩國在戰後已是化敵為友,美國調整了其對日本之處罰,經美日間之談判,及協商定案後之「對日和約」,在有關台灣處分方面,則是一舉跳脫 Cairo Declaration之窠臼,並沒有將台灣主權自日本移轉予中國(PRC/ROC),這段歷史演奏讓本土台灣人慶幸,日本則依 SFPT Article 2B,只是放棄「台灣領土權」後,台灣之法理地位則由原先預設之「中國自治區」大逆轉為「日本自治區」。

台灣領土如是「日本自治區」,一方面,無須自設「國防」,自然會解除武裝。二方面,people of Taiwan 得以因自治,而獲得解放。三方面,自然與日本建構成互補之經濟體。這些構想,完全符合前所提及Dulles個人心目中之「對台方針」,也完全符合吉田茂心目中「日台聯邦」之構想。
"There should be negotiated a mutual security treaty with the China Ts covering Formosa and the Pescadores, but not the offshore islands. In this connection, it may be noted that Japan never ceded sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores to China. Japan renounced its own sovereignty but left the future title undefined. Thus the United States as principal victor of Japan has an unsatisfied interest in these former Japanese islands." (Page 811)

針對以上有關台灣地位之認知:「日本並未割讓台灣主權予中國,日本放棄台灣主權而其未來歸屬未定。」由於台灣國際地位已經不是日本殖民地,而是其國土一部份之前提下,依「萬國公法 (Law of Nations)」,日本對於台灣領土並不能「移轉」與主權行影不離之「天賦義務 (natural obligations)」,而違反萬國公法之條約,這是「非法的 (unlawful)」行為。所以,就「領土主權 (sovereignty)」而言,應該沒有所謂「放棄 (renounce)」之說法,因為在萬國公法之拘束下,日本對台灣領土所能放棄的只是「主權權利 (rights of sovereignty)」,而無涉「主權義務 (obligations of sovereignty)」。

由於美國人對日本治台期間政策之演變,不一定能真正深入了解,而在尚未研究日台間法理關係之前,立即主觀認定台灣是日本殖民地,當然會有所疏失,因此, 有關台灣地位之詮釋,吉田茂應是最具權威性,Dulles則是次之,至於其他非當事人之認知及詮釋,只要列入參考即可,而無須當真。

作者:林 志 昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣(民)政府 秘書長
2009/11/02初論 2013/05/19 再論