責任回覆人:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會 執行長
參考資料: 沖繩處境
日本時報於2002年5月14日就沖繩返還30週年刊載「沖繩之移交予日本是棘手問題(Handover of Okinawa to Japan was prickly issue)」,文中提及:
1.Okinawa was officially separated from Japanese rule by the San Francisco Peace Treaty.沖繩依舊金山和平約條正式脫離日本統治。
2.In the 1960s, sentiment in Okinawa was already moving toward reverting to Japanese rule.在1960年代,沖繩的感情已是傾向回歸日本統治。
The growing antibase movement spurred the two governments to negotiate on the issue.日益擴大之反基地運動促使兩國政府就此問題交涉。
1.Okinawa was officially separated from Japanese rule by the San Francisco Peace Treaty.沖繩依舊金山和平約條正式脫離日本統治。
2.In the 1960s, sentiment in Okinawa was already moving toward reverting to Japanese rule.在1960年代,沖繩的感情已是傾向回歸日本統治。
The growing antibase movement spurred the two governments to negotiate on the issue.日益擴大之反基地運動促使兩國政府就此問題交涉。
The fluid international political situation in the midst of the Cold War also played a pivotal role in pushing the U.S. to accept Japan's longtime plea.在冷戰期間不安定之國際政治情勢,也扮演關鍵角色讓美國接受日本宿願。
3.The plight of Okinawans is reflected in remarks made in 1963 by Paul Caraway, then U.S. High Commissioner for Ryukyu, who criticized the Ryukyu Government for wanting to expand its autonomy.沖繩人的處境是反應在1963年,時任琉球列島美國民政府高等弁務官Paul Caraway批評琉球政府想要擴大自治之發言。
Okinawa's autonomy should be no stronger than that of a state in the U.S., he reportedly said.據傳聞他稱,琉球自治不應強於美國一州之自治。
4.Japanese officials also told the U.S. that it would be in the U.S. interest to return Okinawa to Japan. 日本官方也告訴美方,沖繩歸還日本會是美國利益。
5.In 1969, Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and President Richard Nixon agreed to the Reversion.於1969年,佐藤榮作首相和尼克森總統同意沖繩回歸日本。
6.In return, the Japanese government shouldered the $320 million in reversion cost, including the transferal of U.S. assets in Okinawa to Japan and the removal of nuclear weapons.
7.Various opinion polls at the time showed that the jubilant locals were most happy about the fact that they no longer needed a passport to visit the mainland.當時各種民意調查顯示,歡欣鼓舞之在地人民最高興的,是赴日本內地不再需要護照的事實。
8.Many people don't realize it, but Japan was also a nation divided into two by the tragedy of history.許多人並不真正理解,日本也曾是一個國家,因歷史悲劇而分列成兩個。
Okinawa's autonomy should be no stronger than that of a state in the U.S., he reportedly said.據傳聞他稱,琉球自治不應強於美國一州之自治。
4.Japanese officials also told the U.S. that it would be in the U.S. interest to return Okinawa to Japan. 日本官方也告訴美方,沖繩歸還日本會是美國利益。
5.In 1969, Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and President Richard Nixon agreed to the Reversion.於1969年,佐藤榮作首相和尼克森總統同意沖繩回歸日本。
6.In return, the Japanese government shouldered the $320 million in reversion cost, including the transferal of U.S. assets in Okinawa to Japan and the removal of nuclear weapons.
7.Various opinion polls at the time showed that the jubilant locals were most happy about the fact that they no longer needed a passport to visit the mainland.當時各種民意調查顯示,歡欣鼓舞之在地人民最高興的,是赴日本內地不再需要護照的事實。
8.Many people don't realize it, but Japan was also a nation divided into two by the tragedy of history.許多人並不真正理解,日本也曾是一個國家,因歷史悲劇而分列成兩個。