1945年8月6日美軍在日本扔第一顆原子彈,9日繼續扔第二顆,8月15日日本天皇宣佈:「無條件投降」。事實上,8月3日一份由美陸軍准將F. M. Roberts攥寫的「National Composition of Forces to Occupy Formosa」備忘錄,左右了Formosa之命運。
Paragraph 7 reads :”The United States should occupy and establish military government in Formosa unless circumstances make it possible for China to undertake this responsibility.” In my opinion, which is based on known War Department policy and also on the policy as expressed in Paragraph 5 of the Discussion and Paragraph 18d of the Conclusion. Attached for your convenience. The statement should be revised to read. “China should occupy and establish the military government of Formosa unless circumstance make it impossible for her to undertake this responsibility.”
F. M. Roberts准將反對陸軍總部已經公佈之政策,以及過去所討論及結論之政策,他持反對意見,認為該聲明應修改為:「中國應佔領台灣並設立軍事政府,除非中國不可能承擔此責任」
A. I can see no good reason why the U.S. should set up, at considerable cost, the military government for a territory which is to become Chinese. It is implicit in the paper that there is no confidence in the “ability of the Chinese to exercise such responsibilities.” What this boils down to, is that the Chinese probably will not govern Formosa as efficiently as we would nor in the same way. If followed to the logic conclusion, this attitude would have us in Formosa for the next 4000-odd years, which is manifest absurdity.
可以從F. M. Roberts准將備忘錄得知他的認知有三:
Paragraph 7 reads :”The United States should occupy and establish military government in Formosa unless circumstances make it possible for China to undertake this responsibility.” In my opinion, which is based on known War Department policy and also on the policy as expressed in Paragraph 5 of the Discussion and Paragraph 18d of the Conclusion. Attached for your convenience. The statement should be revised to read. “China should occupy and establish the military government of Formosa unless circumstance make it impossible for her to undertake this responsibility.”
F. M. Roberts准將反對陸軍總部已經公佈之政策,以及過去所討論及結論之政策,他持反對意見,認為該聲明應修改為:「中國應佔領台灣並設立軍事政府,除非中國不可能承擔此責任」
A. I can see no good reason why the U.S. should set up, at considerable cost, the military government for a territory which is to become Chinese. It is implicit in the paper that there is no confidence in the “ability of the Chinese to exercise such responsibilities.” What this boils down to, is that the Chinese probably will not govern Formosa as efficiently as we would nor in the same way. If followed to the logic conclusion, this attitude would have us in Formosa for the next 4000-odd years, which is manifest absurdity.
可以從F. M. Roberts准將備忘錄得知他的認知有三:
(1) 或許台灣終將成為中國領土,美國沒有理由大費周章在台灣設置美國軍事政府。
(2) 美國軍方原來的打算,是暗喻中國人沒有能力承擔佔領台灣。總之,軍方認為,中國人或許不能像美軍一般有「效率及方法」治理台灣。
(3) 美國軍方態度會讓美軍滯台四千年以上,是明顯不合理。
以上現實證明F. M. Roberts准將是錯誤的,後來和平條約,沒有將台灣領土交給中國,中國軍隊實力比預估相差太遠,就台灣國際地位而言,舊金山和約的架構是:日本懸空放棄台灣,台灣領土沒有移轉給中國,美國是台灣的主要佔領權國。就軍事而言,中國軍隊當時根本不可能突破,日軍在中國沿海之佔領區,進而擊敗為「決戰台灣」而待命的精銳部隊日本關東軍。由戰鬥實力來說,中國絕無可能因打敗日本,而佔領台灣並設立民政府。
無論是依照美國軍方之原案,或是F. M. Roberts准將的修正案,有能力佔領台灣並設立軍事政府,只有美國,然而,美日之間並沒有發生「台灣戰役」,因此,美國無論在日本投降之前或之後,從來未曾在台灣領土設立軍事政府以及民政府,這就是本土台灣人在美國興訟,提醒美國主要佔領權國應負的責任,必須履行。
B. If it becomes necessary for US to assault Formosa in order to reduce it. Then there is no question but that we should establish the initial military government. In such case, our forces would simply spearhead Chinese assault and presumably would be with drawn at a very early stage. At the time of the withdrawal, military government should be turned over to the Chinese.
C. If, however, it is a matter of merely accepting the surrender of the Japanese on Formosa, then the occupying forces should be Chinese, even though the United States would have to provide certain shipping and troops to run the port facilities. I can see no necessity whatever for the United States to assume the burden of an interim government between the time the Japanese flag is hauled down and the Chinese hoisted.
原子彈炸日本本土之前,有關對台灣佔領,1945年美國F. M. Roberts准將的建議是:
(2) 美國軍方原來的打算,是暗喻中國人沒有能力承擔佔領台灣。總之,軍方認為,中國人或許不能像美軍一般有「效率及方法」治理台灣。
(3) 美國軍方態度會讓美軍滯台四千年以上,是明顯不合理。
以上現實證明F. M. Roberts准將是錯誤的,後來和平條約,沒有將台灣領土交給中國,中國軍隊實力比預估相差太遠,就台灣國際地位而言,舊金山和約的架構是:日本懸空放棄台灣,台灣領土沒有移轉給中國,美國是台灣的主要佔領權國。就軍事而言,中國軍隊當時根本不可能突破,日軍在中國沿海之佔領區,進而擊敗為「決戰台灣」而待命的精銳部隊日本關東軍。由戰鬥實力來說,中國絕無可能因打敗日本,而佔領台灣並設立民政府。
無論是依照美國軍方之原案,或是F. M. Roberts准將的修正案,有能力佔領台灣並設立軍事政府,只有美國,然而,美日之間並沒有發生「台灣戰役」,因此,美國無論在日本投降之前或之後,從來未曾在台灣領土設立軍事政府以及民政府,這就是本土台灣人在美國興訟,提醒美國主要佔領權國應負的責任,必須履行。
B. If it becomes necessary for US to assault Formosa in order to reduce it. Then there is no question but that we should establish the initial military government. In such case, our forces would simply spearhead Chinese assault and presumably would be with drawn at a very early stage. At the time of the withdrawal, military government should be turned over to the Chinese.
C. If, however, it is a matter of merely accepting the surrender of the Japanese on Formosa, then the occupying forces should be Chinese, even though the United States would have to provide certain shipping and troops to run the port facilities. I can see no necessity whatever for the United States to assume the burden of an interim government between the time the Japanese flag is hauled down and the Chinese hoisted.
原子彈炸日本本土之前,有關對台灣佔領,1945年美國F. M. Roberts准將的建議是:
(1) 如果美軍有必要先攻擊台灣而讓日本台灣降服,則美軍毫無疑問應在佔領初期設立軍事政府。或者,美軍只要單純做先鋒引導中國軍隊攻擊,並預設在最早時期即撤離,而由中國人接管軍事政府。(事實上,中國人沒有能力配合美軍做攻擊日本台灣的動作。)
(2) 然而,如果只是接受在台灣的日軍投降,縱然美軍必須提供一些運輸及軍隊,以及運作港務機構,仍應由中國軍隊執行佔領。美國並無必要在降下日本國旗後,以及升起中國國旗前,在這段期間,承擔一個過度軍事政府的責任。
而依照事實演變,美軍放棄直接登陸台灣領土,只是接受在台日軍投降,美軍方也如F. M. Roberts准將之建議,並未在台灣佔領地設立美軍事政府。有關台灣佔領,在舊金山和約簽訂之前,美國確實有意圖將台灣領土,在所謂「開羅宣言」「波次坦宣言」「日本投降書」歸還給中華民國之前提下,讓中國政權以「先上車、後補票」方式運作,無奈,中華民國在舊金山和約簽約前,中華民國已經變成流亡海外的政權。
F. M. Roberts准將曾致函給駐上海美軍(中國戰區)一封信(Draft message to CG. U.S. Force, Theater, Shanghai, China):
D. In view of the foregoing, it would appear that Japan has lost sovereignty over Formosa. 按照先前的計畫(句中的the foregoing),函中之認知是依照「開羅宣言」「波次坦宣言」「日本投降書」,日本「似乎是」已經喪失台灣領土之主權。
E. By virtue of the assumption and exercise of governmental authority by the Republic of China in Formosa Pursuant to the Cario Declaration and the signature of the representatives of governments of China and Japan, the State Department considers that Formosa has been restored to the Republic of China but that this transfer may eventually have to be formalized by appropriate treaty arrangements˙˙
以上之描述可得知,中華民國將會因為「開羅宣言」及日中代表的簽署,得以在台灣承擔及運作政府,(實際上是不合乎國際戰爭法的規範)。至少在對日合約簽約前,美國國務院的認知是台灣已經要歸還給中華民國,但是,最後仍然「必須」簽定適當之條約以行「正式」移轉,然而在對日合約簽訂後,美國國務院的認知已經大逆轉為No agreement has purported to transfer the sovereignty of Formosa to (The Republic of )China.中華民國對台灣領土並沒有「正式」擁有主權,同時,在舊金山和平條約架構下,中國殖民政權轉變成因代理美國軍事政府佔領台灣而享有管轄權。
而依照事實演變,美軍放棄直接登陸台灣領土,只是接受在台日軍投降,美軍方也如F. M. Roberts准將之建議,並未在台灣佔領地設立美軍事政府。有關台灣佔領,在舊金山和約簽訂之前,美國確實有意圖將台灣領土,在所謂「開羅宣言」「波次坦宣言」「日本投降書」歸還給中華民國之前提下,讓中國政權以「先上車、後補票」方式運作,無奈,中華民國在舊金山和約簽約前,中華民國已經變成流亡海外的政權。
F. M. Roberts准將曾致函給駐上海美軍(中國戰區)一封信(Draft message to CG. U.S. Force, Theater, Shanghai, China):
D. In view of the foregoing, it would appear that Japan has lost sovereignty over Formosa. 按照先前的計畫(句中的the foregoing),函中之認知是依照「開羅宣言」「波次坦宣言」「日本投降書」,日本「似乎是」已經喪失台灣領土之主權。
E. By virtue of the assumption and exercise of governmental authority by the Republic of China in Formosa Pursuant to the Cario Declaration and the signature of the representatives of governments of China and Japan, the State Department considers that Formosa has been restored to the Republic of China but that this transfer may eventually have to be formalized by appropriate treaty arrangements˙˙
以上之描述可得知,中華民國將會因為「開羅宣言」及日中代表的簽署,得以在台灣承擔及運作政府,(實際上是不合乎國際戰爭法的規範)。至少在對日合約簽約前,美國國務院的認知是台灣已經要歸還給中華民國,但是,最後仍然「必須」簽定適當之條約以行「正式」移轉,然而在對日合約簽訂後,美國國務院的認知已經大逆轉為No agreement has purported to transfer the sovereignty of Formosa to (The Republic of )China.中華民國對台灣領土並沒有「正式」擁有主權,同時,在舊金山和平條約架構下,中國殖民政權轉變成因代理美國軍事政府佔領台灣而享有管轄權。
作者:林 志 昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣(民)政府 秘書長
2009/10/26首論 2013/05/15再論
台灣(民)政府 秘書長
2009/10/26首論 2013/05/15再論